021 230 61 00 | MENU
Legal advice in negotiating and drafting contracts, legal assistance and legal representation in front of the courts, of the authorities and public institutions.
Challenging the decisions issued by the tax administrative authorities and providing legal advice during tax audit.
Providing legal assistance and representation in legal actions regarding unfair contract terms stipulated in loan agreements.
Providing legal advice, assistance and legal representation before courts and other judicial authorities or any other natural or legal persons.
Representation before the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, legal assistance and representation in proceedings concerning infringements of copyright and those related.
Providing legal advice, assistance and legal representation to prevent and to recover damages in criminal proceedings that concern offenses against the security and integrity of information systems and data. For this kind of problems we work with the best team of specialists, Cyber Smart Defence.
Providing legal advice, assistance and legal representation during investigation, prosecution, trial regarding tax evasion offenses and money laundering.
To satisfy every need of our customers, the Law Office cooperates with notaries, bailiffs, tax consultants and accountants accredited and licensed by the
Ministry of Justice,
translators, IT experts and other professionals in complementary areas.
Oamenii pierd bani, pierd identităţi, pierd reputaţie. Se trezesc prinși în vâltoarea unor situaţii pe care, de cele mai multe ori, nu le înţeleg ori nu le percep corespunzător. Devin victime. Sunt disperaţi. Se simt vulnerabili. Nu știu cum să procedeze și cui să se adreseze. Nu au soluţii. Își vor vieţile înapoi. Iar aici intervenim noi!